I have always been interested in videography from a young age. It's been an outlet for expression, a way of communication, and a platform for celebration. From documentary to music video, I enjoy practicing in several video oriented genres. My education in film and editing is only credited towards one high school course on Videography, my own personal growth, and generally being self taught. As I demonstrated my strengths in videography and editing, my parents supported me in my endeavors by giving me Final Cut Pro. My first large scale project was actually a documentary on Female Athletics within my boarding school's atmosphere and it was edited on Adobe Premier. Below it are some more examples of videos that I have either filmed, edited, or exemplified both.
For PAWS CHICAGO: Fostering for the First Time Project
As I continued to work as a volunteer intern at PAWS Chicago, I came up with a project idea. I had been doing some research about what fostering is like because being surrounded by dogs daily sparked an interest. Then I thought, why not make a project out it?
Documentary: I Just Want to Be an Athlete
A documentary that looks at the thoughts, opinions, and accounts of females who have experienced athletics at Culver Academies. Submitted as an assignment for the Humanities course, American Sports History. Edited with Adobe Premier.
Senior Class Prank of 2014
A video documenting Culver's Class of 2014 and their end of year pranks. Such pranks include the string prank, senior skip day, and bubble bath in the fountain. Prior permission was granted by the school's headmaster before pranks were accomplished. All film and editing done by Alena Nicholson.
Tribute to You & Me by Flume (Music video)
A video assignment given to students at Culver Academies within the videography course. Briefing included creating a music video with your select group members. (Not my music)
Finding Ourselves Through Water (Video Self Portrait)
Delray Beach, FL. [December 2013]